

The Captain’s Meeting will be held Thursday at 6:00 PM at Marina Village.


You must have a Bahamas Fishing Permit.


8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Boats may leave the marina at sunrise. All boats must be inside the Baker’s Bay Breakwater by 5:30 P.M. each evening for your fish to count, unless hooked up and extra time has been granted.


60 nautical mile radius from the marina.


  • Up to 6 anglers permitted/boat. Anyone may be an angler.
  • All anglers must be registered prior to the start of the Tournament.
  • Maximum line to be used is 130 lb. Maximum of 6 lines (with hooks) are permitted per boat at any one time.
  • You may hook and hand, but only one time per hook up. Circle hooks are mandatory for dead bait. No Live Bait.


  • Tuna – 10 lbs. minimum weight (Skipjacks Not Eligible)
  • Wahoo – 10 lbs. minimum weight
  • Mahi – 10 lbs. minimum weight

When entering the “Breakwater” at Baker’s Bay, please check in with the committee boat on channel “72”, and notify if you have fish to weigh.


You must call in all hook-ups of all BILLFISH as soon as you confirm it is a Billfish. The “Committee Boat” will validate your hook-up time reported. Then you must call again to report lost or released fish to the committee boat and get your Species and time confirmed. Please make certain that the committee boat has confirmed your data.  You may do a relay with another boat.  If you call the CALL the number or numbers below to call in your hook up that would be best.  We will relay hookups and released fish over the radio.  321-five three 7-eight 028 / 321-2 eight eight -19 four 1.

Each boat is required to record on the Catch & Release Form all billfish caught and released in the order that it appears on its Catch & Release video or photo’s. This form will be available in your boat information packet.

PLEASE DO NOT report Tuna, Dolphin, or Wahoo.

Committee boat channel is 72.  Please use alternate frequencies for conversations not related to the reporting of billfish.

An angler may fight a fish until it is lost or released so long as it was hooked and reported to the “Committee Boat” prior to “lines out of the water.” A billfish caught after 12:00 midnight on the first day will count as a release for the day second.   A confirmed hook-up that results in a released fish on the last day of the tournament must be released by twelve midnight.


  • Scales will open at 4:00 P.M. and close at 6:00 P.M, unless hooked up and extra time has been granted.
  • Boats must be inside the marina breakwater by 5:30 P.M, unless hooked up and extra time has been granted.


  • Tournament scales will be located at the “Conch Shack” dock. All fish in any of the meat fish categories must be caught and presented at the weigh-in by the registered angler who caught that fish.
  • Tie breaker for weigh-in fish: In the event of a tie for any of the meat fish brought to the scales, placement is determined by time the fish was weighed.
  • Each boat can weigh a maximum of 1 wahoo, 1 mahi, 1 tuna per day.


In case of a tie for Top Boat, placement is determined by the earliest verified reported time of release.

A billfish is considered officially caught and released when the swivel hits the tip of the rod or crew member grabs the leader or the wind-on leader (not the double line) comes into the rod tip. Video verification is required for the billfish catch to be eligible.

Catch & Release winners are determined by points which are earned as follows:

  • 600 points for released Blue Marlin.
  • 150 points for released White Marlin/Hatchet Marlin/Spearfish
  • 100 points for released Sailfish or for any unidentifiable billfish
  • Should a Hatchet Marlin be caught it will be considered a white Marlin.

A Catch & Release form must accompany the Catch & Release video or Photo’s to the Committee Office. The form must include Time of Release, Species and Anglers Name that was verified by a the committee boat.

Catch & Release verification videos/photo’s and forms must be turned in to the video judges at the Office between the hours of 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm on each day. (unless hooked up and extra time was granted).

In the event of a tie in Catch and Release points, team placement is determined by the earliest verified released times.


All recordings submitted for the purpose of verifying a Catch & Release entry must include the following:

  • A recorded segment of the angler fighting the fish. A clear view of the IdentificationMarker must be included within the context of this segment.
  • A recorded segment of the Billfish in the water, within 30′ of the boat. This segment must include sufficient footage to clearly and easily identify its species.
  • A clear view of the Identification Marker must be included within the context of this segment.
  • Still pictures must include : Correct Time and Date with the identifiable Billfish Species with the Identification Marker in that image.
  • All recorded images and sounds become the property of the tournament and may be used by the tournament for display purposes during weigh in and in future marketing.
  • In the unlikely event a dispute or protest is filed with the Committee, it is possible a polygraph test may be required should the dispute not resolve. Members must be available within 24 hours of the dispute and must not consume alcohol or any controlled substance eight hours prior to testing.  Failure to report for a polygraph test or refusal to answer any questions satisfactory to the Committee may result in disqualification. All disputes or protests must be submitted to the Committee in writing prior to 6 pm on the last day of the tournament.


At sign in, each tournament boat must designate a representative payee to receive payment of all cash awards. Payment of Cash Awards is by check. For winners of cash awards a single check will be written to the boat’s representative payee for the combined total of tournament cash awards.

Checks will be written the following week after the Tournament Awards Ceremony on Tuesday.

Due to the USA laws and the International banking laws, we have decided to use a USA bank to hold the funds. Due to the USA laws, the winners will receive a W-9 to complete in order to receive their prize money.

The Tournament accepts no responsibility for the division of any cash awards between team members.

90% of all Calcutta Fees collected are distributed in the form of Optional Cash Awards.

Except for the Captain/Crew category will be paid 100% of the entry.

Participants who wish to pay the Calcutta fees prior to April 15th, may pay by personal or company check made payable to:
Otherside Fishing Inc.
4440 James Rd.
Cocoa, FL 32926

Participants who wish to pay the Calcutta fees after April 15th must wire transfer the fees or have US Currency at the registration on Thursday, May 9th of tournament week, between 1:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. NO CHECKS ACCEPTED.